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Justin "gup" Hausner


I am a young outgoing up and comer in the Finger Lakes/CNY area. Five years ago I started my own business called Fuzzy Guppies, a human powered watercrafts, with my father and business partner, showcasing fishing kayaks above all. For the past 6 years we have grown the awareness of paddling and kayak fishing in the area tenfold. Holding summer youth programs, weekly lessons, and group tours, we have become the go to experts for paddling the area. Outside of the business I have also become very active in the community; starting a networking group called the Finger Lakes Young Professionals about two years ago, focusing on professional development and community enrichment. The goal for the group is to make young professionals see the benefits of remaining in the region, after they graduate, and grow together. I am simply the type of person that does not just follow along in a group, I am always out in front leading the groups I see value and importance in, which is one of the main reasons why I know I will be a valuable asset to the Jackson Kayak team.

I am worked very hard to build all aspects of paddling in our area. I organize an event every year called the “canal clean-up” we start at one point and paddle down river picking up trash from our kayaks (We have a pontoon boat follow us to hold all the trash). it is a free paddle and we cover a 20 mile stretch other the course of three weekends throughout the summer. Also, holding winter classes in local college pools, SUP yoga, an annual kayak speed race that we run called the “Seneca Monster” %u2026 and especially the kayak fishing tournaments that I hold every year at our location.
I have seen the sport continue to grow in the area, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down at all.

Even though I have only been in the competitive kayak fishing environment for two years now, i have been kayaking fishing since I was nine years old. Growing up on the banks of the Oak Orchard River in between buffalo and Rochester, you got to be comfortable with a rod and reel at a very early age. Oak Orchard is known for its trout and salmon during their times of the year, and sitting on Lake Ontario, the water was always on your mind. However my best memory kayak fishing had to be a few years ago, when I got out with my father, he has never had any interest in kayak fishing, however, after I showed him the Jackson Cuda 14, and took some time to get him comfortable with the boat, we spent the day pulling up beautiful steelheads. It is that day that I will always remember, and tell my customers all the time. This is a sport that anyone can do, with the proper equipment, and enjoy. 

Josue Estela (AKA- “J”)


 I was born in Rochester, NY and raised in Kendall, NY. I
now live in Fairport, NY with my significant other and three children. !
I have been an avid fisherman all my life. I enjoy Bass fishing the most! But, I am also know to
put on some chest waders and head to the streams and creeks during the fall season and hook into
some steelhead or rainbow trout. !
Two years ago, I was introduced to kayaking by the Owner (Justin Hausner) of Fuzzy Guppies
Human Powered Watercrafts in Waterloo, New York; Now a close friend! His wealth of
knowledge and expertise of kayaks, especially Jackson Kayaks, provided me with the
fundamental understanding of kayaking. As I learned more and more about kayaking, I wanted to
take my skills, as a fisherman, onto the water using one of the great Jackson Kayaks, that Justin
recommended. Without any doubt, I was hooked! That first summer and well into the fall
season, I would meet up with Justin (quite often) and take out the Jackson Coosa. You’re probably
wondering  "How did you do?!?" Well, to say the least, I was VERY successful! I caught many
fish! !
Just last summer, I just was introduced (by Justin) to kayak tournament fishing!!! Here I thought
fishing from a kayak was awesome, now he introduces me to kayak tournament fishing!!! I had
the privilege to participate, as a guest, in a couple local kayak fishing tournaments. The
organization that supports these events is Kayak-Anglers of Central New York, who have some
local sponsors-such as, Fuzzy Guppies, North End Outdoors, Contact Baits, Tricky Phish Bait
Company, 412 Bait Co, and a few others. These events are a GREAT time. You will have the
opportunity to meet other local kayak angler, learn some new things and hopefully catch some
nice bass! !
On behalf of Fuzzy Guppies Human Powered Watercrafts owned by Justin Hausner, there has
been a TEAM FUZZY GUPPIES Fishing team established for the upcoming 2016 season!!! !
As a fairly new kayak fisherman, I have learned so much more about the sport and the best part
is, there is still so much that can be learned! !
If you are reading this and wondering whether or not to give it a shot, I’m going to tell you%u2026
GET UP and GET OUT THERE!!! Its a great activity for all!

Billy Pulsifer


When I was invited to join the Fuzzy Guppies Team, I was in shock! I'm very excited to be a member of one of the best teams in the Finger Lakes, and even the state! Fuzzy Guppies has that personal touch, they make you a part of the family!!
   I have spent most of my life fishing, mostly for small mouth bass on Lake Champlain in Northeastern NY. When I was 18, I got involved with the Bass Master's Weekend Series, and from there on my love for fishing blew up! After a few years and a handful of top 20 finishes, I took a small leave of absence and joined the military, I continue serving today. When I first heard about Kayak Bass Fishing Tournaments, it had me scratching my head, "how does this work? by length and not pounds? how are points added?" The standard questions any tournament fishermen would ask. I soon found out all it would take is a  Hawg Trough, a kayak, and a phone with GPS (or camera) and that was it! From that point on I jumped on with Kayak Anglers of CNY where I fished my first tournament and landed my first 2nd place win! From there I discovered WWW.TourneyX.COM and became very involved with online style tournaments. Very relaxed and "at your own pace" style tournaments.
  As a member of Team Fuzzy Guppies, I'm looking forward to sharing experiences and meeting you all on the water!! Tight lines!

Dan Brockett


I started fishing as a young boy with my grandfather. As most, I started fishing for pan fish etc. I caught my first bass when I was 6years old, as I have grown older they are still my favorite fish to catch .I have been fishing out of a kayak for about 5 years, I started out with a Hobie Revolution, a great kayak. But my belief, however, is the mirage drive scares fish more so in shallow water. Then I  found Jackson Kayaks, I currently fish from a Coosa. The Coosa is a great river and small lake boat, I just love it and am in the market for a big rig. Jackson Kayak and Fuzzy Guppies both have a quality kayak for whatever you decide suits your needs. You can call Justin at fuzzy guppies he is a dealer for Jackson really good guy to deal with you can test the kayak before you decide to buy. Tell them Dan sent you. I started competitive tournament fishing over the last 3 years all over WNY. Last year we started Kayak Anglers of Central NY which has 4 divisions in NY and PA and one in Ohio. I also compete in online tournaments and national River Basin tournaments. I competed well in last three years I have a few 4th and 7th place finishes. My best came last year at a river basin tournament held at Fuzzy Guppies where I won third place and big bass. Tournament fishing is exciting and like most I love to win, however the sport means more to me. It’s the friends you can make, since starting in the competitive circuit I have developed close friendships with other members, and we fish together often. I have a extra kayak and when I can, I love trying to attacked new people to the sport, adults and children alike. Even if it is just too recreational fish, the feeling of being out on a kayak, so close to nature, you cannot replace it. As I said if you are thanking of trying kayak fishing give Justin a call and if you want go out before you buy a kayak ill meet you at fuzzy guppies and we will go out from there. Tight Lines!


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